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Easy and intelligent ecommerce scraper

Get your data from webshops and marketplaces like Amazon, Google Shopping and

Price monitoring

We monitor all prices in the market on different marketplaces

Live search

Real time search on the marketplaces using an EAN or ASIN code.

Buy box monitoring

Get e-mail alerts when the buy box winner changes to a different one.

Product data

Grab any data you need: price, availability, descriptions and images.


We make it easy for you to schedule your data every minute, hour or day.

Proxies all around the world

We use the right connections, so you don't have to worry about selecting the right proxies.

Page endpoint

Use any URL as a source for your product price data.

Category trees

Analyze your sellers category trees and check if products are categorized correctly

Category page ranking

Analyze your ranking on the marketplace or retailer category page

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API endpoints

ShoppingScraper offers three API endpoints for getting the product intelligence from webshops and marketplaces. Read more in our documentation.

🛒 Page
Scrape using a URL

The page endpoint offers you to scrape a product detail page using the URL.

  • Category/breadcrumb data
  • Price and currency data
  • Product content
  • Review data
  • Availability
  • EAN and SKU data
💡 Product
Scrape using an EAN code

The product endpoint offers you to scrape a product and seller information using the EAN code.

  • Category/breadcrumb data
  • Price and currency data
  • Product content
  • Review data
  • Availability
  • EAN and SKU data
🔍 Search
Scrape using a keyword

The search endpoint offers you to scrape the search results using a keyword.

  • Search engine results pages
  • Sponsored results
  • Organic results
  • Ranking of advertisement
  • Ranking of price
  • Category pages

Video walkthrough

Get webshop information instructured data

Buy box
Seller API endpoint 🏢New
Information which seller has the buy box
Category page results
Category API endpoint 📒New
Results of a keyword on a specific category page.
Product EAN
Product API endpoint 👕New
The EAN code (GTIN) of the product
Product SKU/MPN
Product API endpoint 👕
Product GTIN or manufacturer product number
Product URL
Product API endpoint 👕
URL to the associated product
Product availability
Product API endpoint 👕
Product is in stock or sold out
Product brand name
Product API endpoint 👕
Brand name associated with the product
Product category
Product API endpoint 👕
Category of the associated product
Product description
Product API endpoint 👕
Description on the retailers website.
Product image
Product API endpoint 👕
URL to the image associated with the product.
Product locale
Product API endpoint 👕
Locale (language) of the product information
Product price + currency
Product API endpoint 👕
Shows the price of the product and the currency
Product rating count
Product API endpoint 👕
The number of ratings for the associated product
Product rating value
Product API endpoint 👕
Product rating given by users on the retailers website
Product reviews
Reviews API endpoint ⭐New
The reviews of the associated product
Product seller name
Seller API endpoint 🏢
Name of the seller associated with the product
Product state
Product API endpoint 👕
Condition of product: new or refurbished
Product title
Product API endpoint 👕
Product title from the associated product
Search EAN
Search API endpoint 🔎
Search product based on EAN for listing
Search engine results
Search API endpoint 🔎New
Shows the results of a keyword in the internal search engine
Shipping costs
Product API endpoint 👕
Shipping costs related to the seller
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Updates for ShoppingScraper

We continue to update our supported webshops and marketplaces.

Create all product content for e-commerce with ChatGPT and the EAN code

ShoppingScraper + Google Shopping + GPT-3 🔥

How easy would life be if ChatGPT could generate content based on EAN codes. We've done it! 🚀

Amazon SERP data for all Amazon domains

Search for any keyword on Amazon using our search endpoint to get a list of all organic and sponsored results. Support for all Amazon countries.

Google Shopping SERP data in all countries

Enter any search term to research which are ranked at the top (organic), who is selling the product and what the price is. Available for all Google Shopping countries.

SERP for based on keyword

Our search endpoint enables searching on a keyword. Get a list of all results incl. EAN code, seller name, organic or sponsored, and details of the listed products.

All Google Shopping countries supported

Support for Google Shopping is now available in all countries in our product endpoint. Search for any product based on EAN and list all product data ranging from sellers, prices, deeplinks to webshops but also content description, specifications and images.

Buy box seller data

Using our product endpoint we share details about the buybox for

Search a product by EAN

Search for any product using the EAN (GTIN) on webshops. The EAN code makes it easy to confirm listings of products on webshops and marketplaces and check prices, availability and other data.

How scheduling in the web app works


Select a list of EAN codes and webshops

Scheduling comes in handy if you don't want to use the API


We process your list on a daily basis

Our scheduler does all the retries, error handling and storing in the database


Download your file with fresh pricing data

Every period your data is refreshed and ready to be downloaded

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