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Mantel price and data scraper
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Unlock the full potential of market analysis with our Mantel Scraper. Designed to provide real-time data on pricing, availability, and seller information, this tool is your gateway to strategic market positioning. Ideal for e-commerce professionals seeking an edge in competitive analysis and pricing strategy.
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What can you achieve with the Mantel Scraper?

With ShoppingScraper's Mantel API, dive deep into competitor analysis by accessing up-to-date information on all sellers of a product on mantel. Make informed decisions by comparing prices, checking product availability, and analyzing market trends. Enhance your e-commerce strategy with actionable insights obtained through our efficient scraping tool.

How can I discover who is selling my products on Mantel?

Leverage ShoppingScraper's real-time data to easily identify all sellers of your products on Google Shopping. Gain insights into seller distribution, ensuring you're always informed about who is selling your products and how they're being represented in the marketplace. Understand your competitive landscape better by seeing who else is selling similar products.

How do I access detailed descriptions and specifications of my products on Mantel?

Utilize ShoppingScraper to access comprehensive details of your products on Google Shopping, including full descriptions, specifications, and unique attributes. This enables you to ensure accuracy and consistency across online marketplaces. Ensure your product information is accurately listed across sellers and identify content gaps and opportunities for enhancement.

How can I find the lowest price to adjust my pricing strategy?

With ShoppingScraper's API, instantly find the lowest price at which your products are being offered on Mantel. This critical insight allows you to adjust your pricing strategy, ensuring you remain competitive while protecting your margins. Stay ahead by matching or beating the lowest market prices. Strategically position your products based on real-time pricing data.


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API Documentation and Sample Data

Our API documentation provides a clear overview of what data you can expect, including formats and structures. Side-by-side with sample data, you'll know exactly what to expect when using our Google Shopping API, ensuring transparency and reliability.
{ shoppingscraper: { request_id: "191ef08e-7c69-4b60-8598-c794939ecd9d", query: { link: "", ean: null, url: null }, endpoint: { type: "page", app: "mantel" }, metadata: [], geo: { country: "Unknown", language: "Unknown" }, status: { response: 200, message: "OK" }, stats: { results: 1, timestamp: "Tue Nov 11 2023 11:34:43 UTC+0000", pagespeed: "0.807" }, results: [ { classification: "product", title: "Garmin Varia RTL515 Radar Achterlicht", brand: "Garmin", category: [ { url: "", name: "Home" }, { url: "", name: "Fietselektronica" }, { url: "", name: "Fietsverlichting" }, { url: "", name: "Achterlicht fiets" } ], ean: null, mpn: "", sku: null, link: "", currency: "EUR", stats: { offers: 1 }, offers: [ { formerPrice: null, price: 149, seller: null, availability: "InStock", state: "new", ranking: { productList: 1 } } ], content: { specs: [], description: "Veel fietsongelukken worden veroorzaakt door achteropkomend verkeer. Daarom is extra beveiliging om je te waarschuwen voor naderend verkeer vanaf achter geen overbodige luxe. Met de Garmin Varia RTL515 Rearview Radar kun je achteropkomend verkeer zien aankomen n word je goed gezien dankzij het ingebouwde achterlicht. Verkeer dat je van achteren nadert wordt door de Varia Radar tot wel 140 meter gezien en geeft je direct een melding op je gekoppelde apparaat. De Garmin Varia RTL515 werkt samen met je Garmin Edge fietscomputer, Garmin smartwatch en zelfs enkele fietscomputers van andere merken. Omdat de RTL515 beschikt over zowel ANT+ als Bluetooth connectiviteit, kun je de Rearview Radar ook koppelen met je smartphone. De Garmin Varia App zal vervolgens op je smartphone meldingen geven van achteropkomend verkeer.Met een zichtbaarheid tot op 1,5 kilometer bij daglicht, kunnen automobilisten je vanaf een grote afstand zien rijden. Je zichtbaarheid wordt vergroot doordat de Garmin Varia automatisch van lichtstand verandert wanneer er verkeer nadert. De Varia RTL515 heeft zowel een 'day flash' als constante lichtmodus. Fiets je veel in een groep? De peloton modus zorgt voor een zwakkere flash modus die vriendelijk is voor de ogen van andere rijders. Het compacte verticale ontwerp van de Varia RTL515 Rearview Radar maakt montage van het apparaat op bijna alle type zadelpennen en fietsen mogelijk. De Garmin Varia RTL515 Rearview Radar heeft een accuduur tot wel 16 uur.", images: [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], reviews: { scale: "5", count: "73", rating: "4.8" } }, extended: [], thumbnail: "" } ] }
๐Ÿ“„ Search API ๐Ÿ“„ Page API ๐Ÿ“„ Seller API ๐Ÿ“„ Reviews API ๐Ÿ“„ Offers API ๐Ÿ“„ Page API ๐Ÿ“„ Product API ๐Ÿ“„ Info API

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